'Happy First Mother's Day' Personalised Greeting Card

Happy First Mother's Day - Personalised Mother's Day Card. Free inside printing. Fast dispatch. Free UK P&P.

A lovely card to mark that all important first Mother's Day! The front of the card can be personalised with one line up to 20 characters long. The inside of the card can be personalised with a message over 7 lines, with up to 25 characters per line. The wording "Happy First Mother's Day" is fixed text and cannot be changed.

Note: Please count your characters before submitting as your order will be delayed if you exceed the allowance! Spaces between words count as characters. How you type your wording will be how it appears on the card. Please do not include accents and special symbols.

Line 1 Front (20 characters maximum)

Inside Card Line 1 (25 characters max) - optional

Inside Card Line 2 (25 characters max) - optional

Inside Card Line 3 (25 characters max) - optional

Inside Card Line 4 (25 characters max) - optional

Inside Card Line 5 (25 characters max) - optional

Inside Card Line 6 (25 characters max) - optional

Inside Card Line 7 (25 characters max) - optional


Price: £4.25 including UK delivery

Turnaround: 1-2 working days

Perfect Card for: Mother's Day


Fully personalised, your card is printed on both the outside and inside. The cards are approximately 18.5cm x 13.2cm, are professionally printed, and come with a white envelope.


Your card will be dispatched in a plain brown outer envelope and will be dispatched separately to the rest of your order. Dispatched within one working day - please allow 2 working days for delivery.